Looking for a new home can be an exciting and challenging experience. After all, buying a house is one of the largest investments you may ever make.

It’s good to keep a level head and be realistic about what you can afford. Most of us, when buying a home, will need to borrow money to finance the journey onto the ‘property ladder’.

So, before you go any further, you need to find out how much you can borrow. This requires an honest look at your own finances; consider how much is coming out of you or your family’s bank account on a monthly basis. How much money are you making from your job, assets, and investments? How much are you spending, and is this likely to change? The gap between these two factors is how much you can comfortably repay monthly, which will decide how much you can borrow. This is a long-term decision, so don’t make it lightly!

The next thing you need to do is make an informed decision on what sort of home loan is most appropriate for you. This is where we can help! We are experts at navigating this complex and often confusing world, get in touch to find out more.

Lastly, you are ready to apply for a pre-approved loan! We will put you in touch with a lender that is able to give you a pre-approved loan, which is a form of loan that takes some of the stress and tension out of the borrowing process. It enables you to have your loan before you get a house, which means you can enter the market with confidence. It also means one less thing to think about when you are choosing your dream house! Many banks offer pre-approval of 3-6 months before you select a property, so you have time to focus on more important things. If you decide a pre-approved loan is the right choice for you, we can help you with the application too.