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When is a Good Time to Review Your Mortgage?

15 April 2021

When was the last time you reviewed your mortgage?   Shopping around can help you increase your savings or shorten your mortgage term, and you can even consider switching between a fixed or variable rate depending on what the lenders are offering you.   Although you should look to review

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How Businesses can move forward in 2021

7 April 2021

2020 was an unpredictable year for everyone, with businesses worried about how to deal with and simultaneously recover from the aftermath of the pandemic. As many had worked towards 2021 afraid to make any plans, more than 65% of small and medium businesses are worried about the lack of a

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8 Advantages of Having a Diversified Investment Portfolio

1 April 2021

Whether you’re a new or a seasoned investor, you’ve probably heard of the saying “don’t keep all your eggs in one basket” or this case don’t put all your money into one venture! It’s highly recommended to diversify your portfolio to reduce your risk. Diversification is an investment strategy that

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Businesses are relying on loans in 2021, here’s what you need to know

25 March 2021

With many individuals and businesses now coming to terms with the new normal, the Australian economy is beginning to improve and the next phase of COVID-19 support is beginning. At this stage, 2021 is looking promising for small and medium businesses.   91% of businesses who deferred their loan repayments

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