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How to buy a home when you’re self-employed

3 December 2021

Self-employed borrowers come up against the challenge of not being able to simply present payslips and tax returns to back up their loan applications. But this need not stop you buying your dream home. Many lenders offer loans for self-employed borrowers who can’t hand over payslips and employment records. This

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Guaranteeing your child’s loan

3 December 2021

Rising house prices are making it increasingly difficult to enter the market. Parents who guarantee their children’s loans can help, but it is important to understand how this can impact the parents’ retirement or investment plans.   Being a guarantor generally means using the equity in your own property as

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Concerned about servicing your loans?

3 December 2021

Concerned about servicing your loans? If you are concerned about servicing your loan, reach out to your local mortgage broker for help. As Australians everywhere take a close look at their financial circumstances, mortgage brokers stand ready to lend a helping hand. Whether experiencing financial hardship through job loss, a

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Is one phone call really all it takes to secure a lower interest rate?

3 December 2021

With official interest rates trending downward, shrewd mortgage holders may take the opportunity to call their lender to ask for a better deal. But when even a small interest rate reduction means potential savings of thousands of dollars, is a simple phone call really enough to get you there? In

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