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The Pre-approval Process

13 December 2021

Looking for a new home can be an exciting and challenging experience. After all, buying a house is one of the largest investments you may ever make. It’s good to keep a level head and be realistic about what you can afford. Most of us, when buying a home, will

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5 things first-home buyers need to know

13 December 2021

Before you decide to purchase your first property there are a number of things to consider, including your current personal circumstances and financial status. 1 Think about why you want to buy a home. Do you want to live in it or will it be an investment property? This can

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Finance despite a bad credit rating

13 December 2021

Sometimes an individual is left with a bad credit rating after the breakdown of a relationship, and can be rejected by lenders because of it. But that need not be the end of the story. Following her separation from her husband, Natalie was left with a bad credit rating and had

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Is a family guarantee right for you?

13 December 2021

Entering the property market is no easy feat for a first homebuyer, but even parents who aren’t prepared to hand over cash for a deposit may help by being a guarantor on a loan. Before taking the plunge however, it’s crucial to be aware of the implications involved. Here are

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