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The Benefits of Refinancing Your Home Loan

4 January 2022

If you weren’t thinking of refinancing your home loan, you may want to think again. There are many benefits to refinancing that you may want to consider the next time you review your home loan. Refinancing may just be the last key to the puzzle of achieving all your financial

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How to Finance a Fixer-Upper

28 December 2021

Houses that need a lot of hard work and love in order to truly shine are sometimes referred to as a ‘renovator’s dream’. However, this dream can sometimes turn into a nightmare if you aren’t careful. We’ve outlined a few ways of financing a fixer-upper so that it’s a little

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Comparing Loans: What to look out for

21 December 2021

With so many loan options and an increasingly complex market, it can be hard to pick the best loan for your needs. There are many different factors to consider when it comes to choosing loans. In this article, we outline the features you need to look out for when comparing

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Getting help from a contractor to build a new home

14 December 2021

If you’re not up for the financial challenge of buying a house, it’s usually a cheaper alternative to build a new place from scratch. Vacant land is relatively affordable, and if you build on it yourself, you get to have as much control as you want over how the process

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